Residential Education Programs For International Students

Renascentia Hall provides residential education services to international high school students wishing to study in the United States. We provide educational programs, expert counsel, and broad support for international students to attend independent high schools in the United States.

Our Goals

Renascentia Hall's goal is to offer educational opportunities to international students to foster their progress towards greater global awareness, understanding, and respect. We provide creative and comprehensive housing solutions to both schools and students, which provides them with the opportunity to experience the American culture and life style while receiving a quality education. This helps with preparing them for life after high school when they get admitted into a North American college or university. We are continuously seeking qualified schools, students and host families.

Our Commitments

Renascentia Hall International is devoted to introducing educational opportunities and implementing a platform that fosters increased global awareness, understanding, and respect between cultures.


226 W Park Place, Ste 4
Newark, DE 19711


Email: info@renashall.com
Phone: +1 (302) 588 6066
WeChat: AI850022

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